Avesta in Song (complete)

(Melody + lyrics on one page)

Are you interested in the total scope of the Avesta in song (more than 300 english songs)?
This contains:
- Avesta in Song - English lyrics from 1948 - British flag
- Avesta im Lied - Lyrics from "The German Manthra" from 1958 - German flag
- Avesta iim Lied - Lyrics from "Avesta im Lied" from 1975 (old versions) - Swiss flag
   etc. in 6 languages ​​(if available)
- Full text search for all songs (search field see menu above)
- Email subscription "AVESTA SONGS BY EMAIL", then you will receive one song per week via email

In order to access to all songs, you have to be a member of the user group "Avesta".
Price: 36.50 euros (10 cents per song)
If you would like access to all songs, please write to me by email or via the contact form.

Then this link will take you to the Avesta in Song (complete)

I appreciate any feedback. - Marco

044. Fountain of Love

044. Fountain of Love (only Chorus available)

Fountain of Love! our source is in thee;
Loving Thy will the spirit is free;
Beautiful day when all of us see
the hope of the world is Love. 


Info: This is a test to publish a song in different languages. -> change language with flag.

JCE Media Popup (for Fullscreen)


