Mazdaznan Online Meetings
Please fill out the form to register to a meeting and to receive the Zoom link.
(With your registration you akzept our Data protection rules)
Thank you for signing up!
You will receive a confirmation with the ZOOM Link by e-mail.
If you do not receive a acknowledgment, please send an email to
With this Link you can join the Zoom-room automatically:
(download and run the "Zoom*.exe" file)
Kenncode: Mazdaznan
Or use the Zoom-App:
Meeting-ID: 979 9154 4129
Kenncode: Mazdaznan
Please enter your full name in the login field!
Please join the meeting room 5-10 minutes before the meeting starts.
Your microphone should be disabled, but please switch on your camera, if possible, so we can see each other.
We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!