waves particles space cosmos universe breath



GA-LLAMA is a term used by the Mazdaznan to de signate the substance contained in the air we breathe during waking hours, and has for its purpose to perpetuate the existence of the individual cell of our composite frame by virtue of its centralizing the intelligence to the respective individual cell. With the concentration of mind upon the breath, we take into our form Ga-Llama, the centralizing Life-principle,— Ga- (centralizing) Llama (Life-principle).

We hold that the air we breathe not only purifies the blood and decides its circulation, but it aids in the generation of electric fluid. Furthermore, that this very air contains a substance that can be attracted to the body under certain conditions and becomes conscious to our functions only through the direction of Thought. That when controlled it assists in the development of our brain cells unfolding untold knowledge, making it possible to comprehend even that most obscure.

As all plant life draws from out of the soil such ingredients only that characterizes its peculiar kind, and does not draw upon chemicals that are foreign to its formation, so does it breathe in only those particular elements that will sustain its existence. Man takes out of the soil not only the substance required for his perpetuation, but ignorantly forces food upon himself that neither is becoming nor agreeable to his kind.

When it comes to his breathing, which is the principal factor in our existence, he uses still less intelligence. The material breath even deserves attention as to depth and length, and the breath of consciousness must be particularly considered if health shall stand assured and the mentality continue to progress.When it comes to his breathing, which is the principal factor in our existence, he uses still less intelligence. The material breath even deserves attention as to depth and length, and the breath of consciousness must be particularly considered if health shall stand assured and the mentality continue to progress.

You cannot expect an equally good crop of wheat from the same piece of ground for three consecutive years, but you can continue to make profitable use of the ground alternating with various kinds of vegetables. Upon soil where an onion could not mature the potato would prosper, the latter absorbing from the soil elements not conducive to the growth of the former. Yet special attention and care would assist the onion in converting the objectionable elements to its use.

We find in the air what we need to sustain cell formation and the substance that awakens man’s understanding to a higher consciousness.

Published in US Mazdaznan Magazine 1902 Feb. page 14.
Photo credits: © yavdat - stock.adobe.com



Ga-Llama, thou central pow’r;
Into me pour out thy show’r;
With each breath inhaled I know;
Wisdom, peace, thou would’st bestow.

Ga-Llama, through endless space;
Into thee absorb my place;
In myself thyself remain;
That I may know God’s domain.

Ga-Llama, thou staff of life;
Within me make end to strife;
Calmest waves of breath now raise;
Unfolding God’s blessed ways.



Author lyrics (left) in US Avesta 1909/1916: 

Author melody (right) in US Avesta 1909/1916: O. Z. Hanish

Avesta in Song GB 1937 (page): 163

Avesta in Song US 1946 (page): 187

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