lungs breath health power

IT is the only method of breathing that has for its object the restoration of the nervous system to perfect regeneration thereby insuring normal organic action, conducive to perfect health.

A mind, conscious of its functional needs, and tranquil upon all occasions, well-centered and concentrated, and with perfect control of will, directing everything for its own individual good and at all times polarized, enjoys a state of perfect health and understands rythmic breathing. Since all life becomes conscious of existence through the breath, this breath when properly directed will accomplish everything that our mind may desire.

Concentration upon Ga-Llama for immediate results

Through rythmic breathing, the mainspring of life—the lungs— determine a more normal circulation and purification of the blood by oxygenation, thereby securing better heart action. When concentrating upon the breath and its centralizing life principle, or “Ga-Llama,” following the current of inhalation and exhalation with our thought, we receive benefits at once.

When engaged in useful work muscle gymnastics are unnecessary

When breathing properly, and thus keeping the nerve centers in harmonic action, generating electric nerve fluids, the vibrations of the brain centers become raised, thereby increasing intellectual power and insuring better memory. This done, the bodily functions, intelligently controlled, have no need of specially devised gymnastics, physical movements, athletic exercise, etc., for the reason that a normally balanced individual is bodily, mentally, and spiritually active, and with the twelve senses fully developed, engages in work of a useful as well as beneficial nature, economizing the natural forces and resources of life. There is no disease but that can be healed and cured by the simplest of means. All that is required is the individual’s own desire, prompted by will and expressed by rythmic breathing.

Heal and cure thyself and remain non-obligatory

Mazdaznan culture points out the way in the simplest terms and the pupil carries out the instructions for self healing and cure, thereby remaining non-obligatory and learns to become acquainted with all the means necessary for future emergencies. Mazdaznan culture holds that it is not education that we need so much but that we merely need to be reminded of our own latent forces and learn how to properly direct them.

A person to become free from the conditions and environments of time must become acquainted with his ownself sufficiently to have knowledge of his relation to nature and become proficient in understanding the control of laws pertaining to his welfare. We must acquaint ourselves with these simple regulations that govern our lives so as to enjoy health and happiness and by religious observation of the same, attain to higher and nobler understanding. A body that is full of governing intelligence will not draw upon the mind but control its organic action consciously thereby storing up reserved vitality for the furtherance of thought in its domain that it may bring forth grander aspirations.A person to become free from the conditions and environments of time must become acquainted with his ownself sufficiently to have knowledge of his relation to nature and become proficient in understanding the control of laws pertaining to his welfare. We must acquaint ourselves with these simple regulations that govern our lives so as to enjoy health and happiness and by religious observation of the same, attain to higher and nobler understanding. A body that is full of governing intelligence will not draw upon the mind but control its organic action consciously thereby storing up reserved vitality for the furtherance of thought in its domain that it may bring forth grander aspirations.

The mind must be all comprehensive to enjoy concentrative powers and a happy state. The body must have symmetry and easy carriage to be in perfect health.

When sick or worried take a few well-drawn breaths

Living in an age of intense activity, we must necessarily be equal to the demands made and to enjoy such a state we need constant brain action which can be assured by the generative action of the nervous system and not the development of muscles, which development is done at the expense of other parts of the body needed for an equalized condition. The nervous system depends upon the normal circulation of the blood, its purifying process, and the rythmic heart action, which we cannot enjoy unless we learn to breathe fuller and deeper. When sick do not be alarmed. When mentally depressed because of business worries, reverse the thought currents into directions more conducive to your welfare. A normal body entertains a normal mind and worries not. A well-balanced mind enjoys a properly controlled body and is never sick. Justify yourself before the law of nature, bring penance by doing right and all will be well.

Take a sponge bath every morning and a dry towel rub every night

To keep up perfect action of the lungs and normal distribution of the blood through proper heart action, insuring the purifying process of the blood by oxygenation, take up a daily routine as follows:

Arising in the morning, take a light sponge bath or a wet towel rub all over the body, drying thoroughly with a long bath towel that can be held by one end in each hand so as to rub quickly, keeping the muscles of the body relaxed. Then finish rubbing with your hands. Dress your feet with silk, linen, or fine muslin cloths and put your stockings on over them.

Keep muscles relaxed, mouth closed, and breathe through your nostrils only

To expand the lungs go out into the air or ventilate your room first. Then stand erect, with head well thrown back and chest well thrown forward, while shoulder blades are drooped down and set firmly behind. Draw in the air through the nostrils with mouth closed. Draw in as long as you can but without using effort, taking care not to tense the muscles. After having filled the lungs, raise your arms above your shoulders at the same time smacking the lips as if eating, moving your tongue about as if masticating food, now swallow the salivathus accumulated, throw your hands back, while chest is being raised and now empty your lungs as much as you can with ease. Repeat this seven or more times and you will feel the benefits to be so great that you will make it a point to go through the exercise several times during the day. You will never run any danger of consumption, colds, coughs, etc.well thrown forward, while shoulder blades are drooped down and set firmly behind. Draw in the air through the nostrils with mouth closed. Draw in as long as you can but without using effort, taking care not to tense the muscles. After having filled the lungs, raise your arms above your shoulders at the same time smacking the lips as if eating, moving your tongue about as if masticating food, now swallow the salivathus accumulated, throw your hands back, while chest is being raised and now empty your lungs as much as you can with ease. Repeat this seven or more times and you will feel the benefits to be so great that you will make it a point to go through the exercise several times during the day. You will never run any danger of consumption, colds, coughs, etc.

Eat no breakfast and control your appetite at dinner

Whether engaged in manual labor or otherwise make it a point to eat only a little fruit in the morning and make your lunch very light. Eat your meal proper late in the afternoon, taking care not to mix your dishes nor eating more than three different kinds of food at a time. Keep yourself busy always doing some useful labor irrespective as to its financial result. When not engaged in manual labor attend to the cultivation of the mind. Take walks in the open air and keep your eyes and ears open to everything with which you come in contact. Weigh all the subjects coming under your observation carefully and thoughtfully. Never enter into any controversy, but remain self-centered, otherwise you will place yourself into a condition of a negative nature inviting disease and disaster. Express your happy feelings by singing, humming a tune, or even whistling. When fatigued from overwork or from any other cause take a few breaths and take the yolk of an egg beat it thoroughly adding enough of water to it gradually to make a glassful of it and drink or sip it slowly between the teeth.

Disinfect your room by airing it and let a little sun-shine in

If living in a district of filth, smoke, dirt, and other unfavorable conditions disinfect your room before leaving it with five drops of carbolic acid in a wine glassful of water sprinkled over the room. When going to see a sick friend anoint your hands with oil of eucalyptus or wash them with boiled vinegar after you return from his bedside.

When retiring to bed forgive and forget the past

Go to bed as soon as you find nothing else useful for you to do, taking a thorough towel rub all over your body, rubbing your feet vigorously and anointing them with oil occasionally. Sleep with your head to the north and feet towards the south, retiring to bed lying on the right side, thinking of nothing but merely breathing comfortably, following the current of inhalation and exhalation with your mind and all will be well.

From Mazdaznan Magazine 1902 May p.26.
Photo credits: © PIC4U -