Autumn Leaves Apples Plums Peaches

Current Thought

Current Thought.

Autumn leaves are falling.

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Fruit in all its variations manifest abundantly.

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Do you eat fruit? If so, be sure you eat it judiciously. Eat as you desire and need it.

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When craving fluids just eat fruit. Fruit is wholesome when eaten with the object of promoting the organic action.

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The salvation or health of the body does not depend upon the thought or care “what we shall eat or what we shall drink” but by attending to our needs guided by intuition, “which is the word of God.”

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There is but one way of eating fruit properly and to insure health and that is by scraping the fruit with your front teeth, then masticate thoroughly. Keep the mouthful rolling about from left to right and vice versa so as to get all the taste out of it, before swallowing. Eating fruit in this manner, there be no need for you to worry about proper quantity or the time proper for eating. You will never overeat or eat too often. Make it a religious duty to eat thus, whether it be nuts, fruits, grains or vegetables.

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Chew your food slowly and well and you will never develop thirst.

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The only true guide for our food regulations is a sense of intuition equally developed with all our sense tendencies and corresponding to the consciousness of our mind, soul and spirit.

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All fruits are good, but those keeping their fragrance and beauty comparatively the longest are the sturdiest and contain greater life energies. The apple would thus hold its own above all others. Yet all fruits have their purpose. A plum perfectly ripe and sweated, when eaten slowly and upon an empty stomach, will act upon the liver, while peaches act upon the kidneys.

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Fruits should never be washed. Just wipe them with a linnen, and rub them off with your own hands. Eat fruits with the skins on, but be sure to masticate the skin thoroughly, especially in cases where there are even the slightest disorders of the digestive organs.

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Never drink water right after eating fruit, but in costiveness and where narcotics and stimulants have not been used habitually for months, you may have a cup of drip coffee that has been poured over fresh, rich cream. This will, of course, merely be a crutch for the time being, and until we have learnt to do otherwise.

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Instead of drinking water eat fresh, juicy fruit. Eating it slowly, mixing it with saliva thoroughly, will quench your thirst sooner and solve the water problem without further controversy.

US Mazdaznan Magazine 1903 Sep.
Photo credits: © Maksim Shmeljov -

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